Saturday 2 July 2011

A Traditional "Relationship" Post :D


He is handsome, smart, funny, dark, tall, hard working, older than me.
He likes to run, cook, watch movies, talk until the early hours of the morning, travel.

If there is a God out there, I thank you! That sounds desperate =/ - which I'm not...

Sooo.. from the "bottom feeder fish" to a normal fish I am :P  Btw.. my friend described me as a bottom eater fish since I never went for anyone decent apparently haha! But I am happy :D  
I always say I am happy whenever I begin dating someone, but I truly am this time. It is strange though, why would someone like him be interested in me?  Still confuses me this, but hey maybe I'm not as bad as I make out to be :D

I think this is a record for even Alannah Shipton, could be three relationships this year I have had!  Ace!  Hopefully this one is a keeper. He hasn't seen my crazy bipolar side yet =/... Ex's will back me up here and say it is most scary. BUT!  I feel different with him. I don't feel the need to totally spaz out in anger whenever I see him. Whenever I talk to him, I totally feel relaxed :D 

I need happiness right now. I pretend to be happy still, but maybe sometimes you have to stop pretending for a little while because when everything builds up all hell breaks lose. Sadly my gran isn't getting any better, and anytime she wants to see me I am at work. HELLO CLARKS YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO ME BUT SADLY MY GRAN DOESN'T HAVE LONG LEFT!  I really want to see her =(  
I have no idea what my future holds because in all honesty I have fucked everything up royally. I am soo crap at prioritising things. I should have put college work before my workout classes. Instead my own self image came before everything else. Now I am dealing with the consequences.

But optimisim prevails!  I will think happy thoughts, I will continue what life has set out for me to do. I will be happy and continue dating this mystery guy that no one will know the name off :P  Unless I have already told you because of my over excitement on how cool he is? :P  Probably. I am weird that way.

Anyway... Here goes for another blog post.
Wait until the next one, it'll be even more shit :P

BYE! <3 x


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