Tuesday 26 July 2011

Amy Winehouse Death Vs. Norwegian Deaths.

This is possibly the worst heading I could have came up with!

  No doubt in my mind, or anyone else's that the Norwegian deaths are more important than Amy Winehouse's death.  Wait.. hold on a second I may have just sounded cruel there. But sadly enough I mean it!  Want to know why ?

This...thing, shouldn't be mourned for! I bet she died from a bloomin' drug and alcohol overdose, since she is that self absorbed she couldn't see the effect this was having on the people around her.
I honestly despise people that take drugs and abuse alcohol!   Yes I drink, but socially - I am not one to drink every night and everyday of my life just because I have become dependant. It isn't an illness, it is just retarded bullshit! Sorry.. but.. argh!!!! 

Anyway, getting away from a rant which may take over this thing, back to the point. She killed herself! She choose to die because she is weak and didn't see the brighter side of life. She is a celebrity, so this could actually impact on the youths. Wooo!  more underage drinking, that is what we really need.

Instead of being unsatisfied with his life and killing himself, this disgusting excuse for a human being decided to kill 76 innocent human beings, being children, teenagers or adults - he killed them all without a moment of remorse.
Instead of these 76 innocent people being so bored of their lives they decide to kill themselves, their life was taken from them. They could have gone onto greater things. Some could have been doctors, some could have been amazing mothers and fathers. But instead they got their future snatched from them.

Why should people have their future's snatched from them like that?  This maggot decided to set of a bomb and continue his terror by just shooting at everyone and everything that moved.
Outcome?  Not fully complete yet. However on the 25th of July a closed to the public court case commenced. This is to make sure that Ander's opinion are not publiced because the Norwegian's do not need anyone to jump on his band wagon.
Anders has a far right militant ideology is which he believes that we should all be racist (dumbing it down because I had to look up a few words...). He was anti Islamic and did not enjoy the idea of people converting to their religion within Europe. He was in favour of the Jews however.. but sadly he was still a racist pig. This is sad, but how can he dislike Marxism?! He wanted a Europe with no Islam, Marxism or a multicultural society. Dude... or whack!!*  Now that is me being biased because I am a Marxist.

Basically what I am trying to get at here is that, all I hear about on the news is this stupid Amy Winehouse chick. When really we should be learning more about this Norway terror.
Sorry if I don't sound sympathetic towards Winehouse's family, but, her choice and all... She had the chance to change herself but she didn't. My condolences goes to her family at this time. However my thoughts are more aimed towards the Norwegians who have lost their loved ones. Their time was cut short.

May we all take this as an example to live life like it is our last, and never take anyone for granted because we never know when we might come across a Anders Behring Breivik. Life is too precious to ignore, too short to take for granted.

R.I.P  all those who died on Friday 22nd of July.  x

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