Thursday 27 January 2011

What Is Beauty?

"Beauty Is In The Eyes Of The Beholder"

British and American Idea of Beauty : "Thin is IN"
In my honest and humble opinion this is gorgeous! I would die to have this figure. Yet, as I say I would die, many young girls do. "A study by the National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders reported that 5 – 10% of anorexics die within 10 years after contracting the disease; 18-20% of anorexics will be dead after 20 years and only 30 – 40% ever fully recover " Even after these shocking statistics where published, super models are still only given jobs if they are size 0. Does true beauty for young teens/adults have to result in death? Is this the true extent we will go to, to become picture perfect?

 Characteristics: 5ft 7 or above, "flawless" skin,  abnormally skinny, and tanned skin.
Alannah : FAIL!

The Asian See Beauty More Naturally

Opposing the British and American, you are more beautiful the paler you are. I am sure I read up that it is Phillipian people that state the darker your skin the poorer you are seen to be. Traditionally it is the poor people that work out in the farm, under hot suns with no form of protection. Therefore they would have darker skin. Just a little fact thrown in there. In all honesty their idea of beauty is far easier to reach, because they aren't attempting to hurt themselves. The only plastic surgery they have is for the double eyelids to make their eyes bigger. They are obviously sensible people. Sadly, they are quite unsensible ... even though foot binding is illegal in China. In some remote areas they still practise this, because small feet is still seen as a beautiful thing [there goes my size eighs..]

Characteristics: pale skin, dark hair (long for girls), big noses for guys, double eyelids, large eyes, small faces, small feet, tall (guys to be tall), and long legs.
Alannah : FAIL!!

African Idea of Beauty.. The Bigger The BETTER
This woman is seen as beautiful within traditional African tribes. Her necklaces are to make her neck longer because long necks are seen as appealing("Iindzila"). This tradition is started at thr age of 5 years old. However this isn't actually practised as commonly anymore, they are more likely to wear many beads to give the impression of neck stretching. Other harsh/painful ways to make themselves more appealing to men, if by having a large bottom lip, starting from puberty by a large disc.
The women in the Karo tribe in Southern Ethopia allow their elders to cut scars into the stomach throughout their childhood. This is, again, to attract men. Once they have recieved the last of their scars they are then allowed to marry and have children.
In Guyana (South America), the Wauwai people practice a form of “body swelling” that would inspire a boa constrictor. The Wauwai bind their young girls’ legs below the knee in order to create a swelled calf, an attribute considered highly attractive. Similar practices are seen in Asia and Africa, such as that performed by the Dinka people of southern Sudan. Using tightly-coiled gold and silver wire similar to the coiled necklaces worn by the Karenni, the Dinka wrap bracelets around their arms and legs so tightly that the flesh swells around the coils. In addition, Dinka men wear ultra-tight corsets of beads that cause their buttocks to swell in a manner that emphasizes their thin waists. The corsets also carry special symbolism—the color of the beads indicates the wearer’s age and status. Red and black colors are worn by 15 to 25-year olds, while yellow is favored by those over 30. The corsets can fetch a high price if traded—one corset may trade for a head of cattle!

Characteristics: Just read the dam thing.. too much to type =P
Alannah: FAIL!

Reflect:  In my own opinion these beauty rituals are pretty messed up. Even the British and American one isn't healthy for our natural body. I see beauty through a smile. If you smile then I think you are beauty, no matter whether you are fat, skinny, ugly or pretty. Seeing a smile is the most beautiful thing in the world to me. Also kindness goes nicely with a smile... ALSO! Someone's eyes. Honestly... evil people do have evil eyes I think. In all of these cultures, any normal person would never be seen as beautiful. You would have to go through plastic surgery to get that done. But what is the need in changing yourself for other people? Why not just be happy within yourself.
I must admit I'm not happy with myself, so I am critical to why I am telling other's through this to be happy with themselves if I find it difficult myself. HOWEVER unlike most, I'm not going to extremes to feel beautiful. I work hard to lose weight and I use natural methods to make myself feel better. A quick fix, is not always the best fix. You don't get the same feeling of accomplishment you get when you do things the hard way. You see the transformation gradually which is exciting =3

Toodle pips hunny bun.
Alannah is out.

Thursday 13 January 2011

Judgemental Prick!

Not about a Chav =P

Shocking to be fair. You would really expect me to be ranting or raving about chavs but actually it's about a "friend". Let me explain the situation with a rhetorical question ^-^ :

        "Would you discriminate against a boy you know nothing about,
                           mainly because it was I who cheated?"

He is such a massive prick! He only met Andrew that night, and yet five days later he told me he doesn't like him because I was the one who cheated on Jamie. I have discussed this with a few people and so far alot have said, "he is jealous"     HAHA!  What of? The fact I can change boyfriends with a click of my fingers, or the fact he can't have me?
   He occasionally asked me "am I attractive" or the killer, "if we weren't friends would you chat me up" Let me answer this straight up.. NO I BLOODY WOULDN'T. Even if I was single I wouldn't go near you with a bardge pole. You're not my type of guy ... This judgement is not based upon appearance, more upon the idea you annoy the hell out of me. There is only so much hugging I can put up with. Just to let you know Im 18, so please, for the love for God, stop talking to me like I am a five year old girl; being praised for a good deed. You are less than a year older than me so go and jump of a cliff or I'll push you off it.

   I like my new boyfriend alot. Some people will probably think I am an idiot for putting a "ho before a bro" but trust me, this bro doesn't deserve my loyalty. My boyfriend is loyal and always makes me laugh and he just makes me the most happiest I have been in a long time. My "friend" is cold and makes me out to be someone who has the most easiest life going. I don't have the most easiest life going, but hey... if he thinks I do then screw him!  He also thinks my jobs are easy. THEY ARE NOT! He is only an apprentice as a wind turbine technician, at a college... so he get's the same holidays people at school and college get. What happens for me? I work during my holidays like a good girl does.
    He might think he is being considerate to me when he gives me "advice". But I have had better advice from my dead hamster! He doesn't know what he talks about sometimes. He has no social skills so has had very little experience in life itself.

   The worst part ever!  Guess what he asked when I told him I got underwear for Christmas... if he could see it =/  Right that may be a joke to him, but to me it is creepy as fecking hell !  Only person that sees me with my underwear is Andrew <3  

Rant Over...
Peace out laads <3 x

Wednesday 5 January 2011


I SHOULD BE GETTING READY FOR COLLEGE!!* but shhhh it's only psychology ^-^

"Dreams are a succession of images, sounds or emotions that pass through the mind during sleep." - As stated by wonderful

 Really?  I would not have guessed. Thank you Wikipedia for again, stating the obvious. I do strange and wonderful things whilst I dream: I snore (when drunk), I cry (when I have too much on my mind), I grind my teeth (hardly ever now), and finally I make just weird noises (ok it can be calling talking to some extent). But somehow with these strange things going on, I still manage to dream in a satisfactory manner. I wish my snoring woke me up last night.
 Imagine this, a guy you begin to like (this is a dream), ending up going on holiday with you and you're best friend (their ex), and you walk in on them in bed together. It was horrifying. So this resulted in me crying in my sleep. Only one person has ever heard me crying in my sleep and they say it is quite unnerving because they do not know what to do. Anyway after I see them together in bed, I run to my mother and sob my heart out, repeated asking, "why did I leave Jamie?"  I'll tell you why... because he is too controlling, more insecure than I am, more paranoid than I am, and basically just rushed the whole relationship. F.Y.I. I hate being controlled. If you do try I normally just end up moving further away from the person.

Let's analyse this dream...
   Basically it is just illustrating how I truely feel. I am scared incase this amazing guy goes of with this perfect girl. They are so connected it scares me; will I ever be able to be connected to him in the same way? Maybe over time, but it might be too late by this point. He will probably realise how boring I am and get pissed of with my insecurities. It could also convey how I treated Jamie, by cheating on him with Andrew, and it was infact my mum who walked in on me and Andrew together. Strange how dreams work. The whole running to my mum moment, probably justs illustrates how I find comfort in her wisdom and feel at easy in the warmth of her love (still sucking up to her from the whole party senario). WHY?!? did Jamie end up being mentioned in my dream.. I have no idea. I don't love him, infact he irrates me quite a fair bit. Well that is actually quite harsh. He doesn't irrate me, he just ... gosh ... frustrates me with his constant negativity. I am trying to be a more upbeat person, and with someone like him bringing me down, it doesn't aid me in any way.

OVERALL, the dream was a load of bull. I told Andrew about it and he re-assured me it would never happen =) I should trust him, I really should. But the way I treated Jamie will end up with Karma biting me in the ass.
   Anyway of to Combat I gooooooo to help my friend with her video =)
Peace out .x.

Monday 3 January 2011

January =)

I am quite a supersitious person, I honestly am. So far January has worked out well for me ... unlike for the past 4 years.  HONESTLY !!!*  My unluckiest months of the year are Januarys :(  Don't laugh but it is true :(   Ok maybe this month isn't starting of so well in all honesty:
1. Had a party without my parents permission which results in a little drift between me and my mum. I don't approve of this because my mother means the world to me :(
2. Im going to have to break someone's heart by splitting up with them. This may result in me losing a friend because it was my friend Yvonne that got us together =/
3. My mum (of all the people in the world...) walked in on my in bed with someone else :(  It was purely innocent! So don't judge !!!!!!

But heyyyyyy negatives out of the way, let's look at the good old positives :D I do like a positive start:
1. Met one heck of an amazing person :$  He is quite lovely :L  But I won't be surprised if he gets bored of me next week.
2. I got more money in my second job :P  Only because I was happy and worked hard.. seriously? Is that all I need to do for extra money :L
3. Don't know, but I feel more composed than I ever have.. Like this is not me being egotistical or anything, but sometimes I do feel go about myself =/ Then I see the skinny people walking around the streets and it all goes awayyy. But still positive thinking !

My Goal for this year is definately to lose another jean size =D     Went from a 18/16 to a size 14/12 :D  Went from a 14 in top to a 10 in top. I am sooooo happy likes haha.

I don't actually know what else to put in a blog... but Im sure if I have a shitty day I'll just come here to rant about the penises :) 

P.S  Thank you to my amazing friends that have made every horrible moment seem more bearable :) Honestly couldn't have gotten through 2009/2010 without the special people <3 x