Monday 3 January 2011

January =)

I am quite a supersitious person, I honestly am. So far January has worked out well for me ... unlike for the past 4 years.  HONESTLY !!!*  My unluckiest months of the year are Januarys :(  Don't laugh but it is true :(   Ok maybe this month isn't starting of so well in all honesty:
1. Had a party without my parents permission which results in a little drift between me and my mum. I don't approve of this because my mother means the world to me :(
2. Im going to have to break someone's heart by splitting up with them. This may result in me losing a friend because it was my friend Yvonne that got us together =/
3. My mum (of all the people in the world...) walked in on my in bed with someone else :(  It was purely innocent! So don't judge !!!!!!

But heyyyyyy negatives out of the way, let's look at the good old positives :D I do like a positive start:
1. Met one heck of an amazing person :$  He is quite lovely :L  But I won't be surprised if he gets bored of me next week.
2. I got more money in my second job :P  Only because I was happy and worked hard.. seriously? Is that all I need to do for extra money :L
3. Don't know, but I feel more composed than I ever have.. Like this is not me being egotistical or anything, but sometimes I do feel go about myself =/ Then I see the skinny people walking around the streets and it all goes awayyy. But still positive thinking !

My Goal for this year is definately to lose another jean size =D     Went from a 18/16 to a size 14/12 :D  Went from a 14 in top to a 10 in top. I am sooooo happy likes haha.

I don't actually know what else to put in a blog... but Im sure if I have a shitty day I'll just come here to rant about the penises :) 

P.S  Thank you to my amazing friends that have made every horrible moment seem more bearable :) Honestly couldn't have gotten through 2009/2010 without the special people <3 x

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