Wednesday 5 January 2011


I SHOULD BE GETTING READY FOR COLLEGE!!* but shhhh it's only psychology ^-^

"Dreams are a succession of images, sounds or emotions that pass through the mind during sleep." - As stated by wonderful

 Really?  I would not have guessed. Thank you Wikipedia for again, stating the obvious. I do strange and wonderful things whilst I dream: I snore (when drunk), I cry (when I have too much on my mind), I grind my teeth (hardly ever now), and finally I make just weird noises (ok it can be calling talking to some extent). But somehow with these strange things going on, I still manage to dream in a satisfactory manner. I wish my snoring woke me up last night.
 Imagine this, a guy you begin to like (this is a dream), ending up going on holiday with you and you're best friend (their ex), and you walk in on them in bed together. It was horrifying. So this resulted in me crying in my sleep. Only one person has ever heard me crying in my sleep and they say it is quite unnerving because they do not know what to do. Anyway after I see them together in bed, I run to my mother and sob my heart out, repeated asking, "why did I leave Jamie?"  I'll tell you why... because he is too controlling, more insecure than I am, more paranoid than I am, and basically just rushed the whole relationship. F.Y.I. I hate being controlled. If you do try I normally just end up moving further away from the person.

Let's analyse this dream...
   Basically it is just illustrating how I truely feel. I am scared incase this amazing guy goes of with this perfect girl. They are so connected it scares me; will I ever be able to be connected to him in the same way? Maybe over time, but it might be too late by this point. He will probably realise how boring I am and get pissed of with my insecurities. It could also convey how I treated Jamie, by cheating on him with Andrew, and it was infact my mum who walked in on me and Andrew together. Strange how dreams work. The whole running to my mum moment, probably justs illustrates how I find comfort in her wisdom and feel at easy in the warmth of her love (still sucking up to her from the whole party senario). WHY?!? did Jamie end up being mentioned in my dream.. I have no idea. I don't love him, infact he irrates me quite a fair bit. Well that is actually quite harsh. He doesn't irrate me, he just ... gosh ... frustrates me with his constant negativity. I am trying to be a more upbeat person, and with someone like him bringing me down, it doesn't aid me in any way.

OVERALL, the dream was a load of bull. I told Andrew about it and he re-assured me it would never happen =) I should trust him, I really should. But the way I treated Jamie will end up with Karma biting me in the ass.
   Anyway of to Combat I gooooooo to help my friend with her video =)
Peace out .x.

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