Tuesday 26 July 2011

Amy Winehouse Death Vs. Norwegian Deaths.

This is possibly the worst heading I could have came up with!

  No doubt in my mind, or anyone else's that the Norwegian deaths are more important than Amy Winehouse's death.  Wait.. hold on a second I may have just sounded cruel there. But sadly enough I mean it!  Want to know why ?

This...thing, shouldn't be mourned for! I bet she died from a bloomin' drug and alcohol overdose, since she is that self absorbed she couldn't see the effect this was having on the people around her.
I honestly despise people that take drugs and abuse alcohol!   Yes I drink, but socially - I am not one to drink every night and everyday of my life just because I have become dependant. It isn't an illness, it is just retarded bullshit! Sorry.. but.. argh!!!! 

Anyway, getting away from a rant which may take over this thing, back to the point. She killed herself! She choose to die because she is weak and didn't see the brighter side of life. She is a celebrity, so this could actually impact on the youths. Wooo!  more underage drinking, that is what we really need.

Instead of being unsatisfied with his life and killing himself, this disgusting excuse for a human being decided to kill 76 innocent human beings, being children, teenagers or adults - he killed them all without a moment of remorse.
Instead of these 76 innocent people being so bored of their lives they decide to kill themselves, their life was taken from them. They could have gone onto greater things. Some could have been doctors, some could have been amazing mothers and fathers. But instead they got their future snatched from them.

Why should people have their future's snatched from them like that?  This maggot decided to set of a bomb and continue his terror by just shooting at everyone and everything that moved.
Outcome?  Not fully complete yet. However on the 25th of July a closed to the public court case commenced. This is to make sure that Ander's opinion are not publiced because the Norwegian's do not need anyone to jump on his band wagon.
Anders has a far right militant ideology is which he believes that we should all be racist (dumbing it down because I had to look up a few words...). He was anti Islamic and did not enjoy the idea of people converting to their religion within Europe. He was in favour of the Jews however.. but sadly he was still a racist pig. This is sad, but how can he dislike Marxism?! He wanted a Europe with no Islam, Marxism or a multicultural society. Dude... or whack!!*  Now that is me being biased because I am a Marxist.

Basically what I am trying to get at here is that, all I hear about on the news is this stupid Amy Winehouse chick. When really we should be learning more about this Norway terror.
Sorry if I don't sound sympathetic towards Winehouse's family, but, her choice and all... She had the chance to change herself but she didn't. My condolences goes to her family at this time. However my thoughts are more aimed towards the Norwegians who have lost their loved ones. Their time was cut short.

May we all take this as an example to live life like it is our last, and never take anyone for granted because we never know when we might come across a Anders Behring Breivik. Life is too precious to ignore, too short to take for granted.

R.I.P  all those who died on Friday 22nd of July.  x

Sunday 17 July 2011

Hellish Week...

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining... No Wonder There Has Been So Many Clouds In The Sky This Week, I Needed That Silver Lining =/

Point One,
    I really don't know. I was in a bad mood at work - which apparently isn't allowed to happen because Alannah always has to be in a good flipping mood. I get falsely accused of saying something, and made to feel like a shaken up tiny dog (they always shake...)  Well yeah anyway. Forgive me if I am wrong, but I am hard working, and I would never, EVER say, "I am not fucking doing that." even to a colleague. So how dare this twat face scream at me and say I said it?   Then apparently I said in a horrid tone, "how long is this going to take?"  I remember this part because I actually said to her, "How many boxes are left". I said this because I needed to know how much space is needed to be made!    I go in Saturday morning, happy, and then get dragged into the back shop and accused of all this in front of my manager and assistant manager. I used the analogy of a shaken small dog because I was shaking.. and almost wanting to cry. But I don't cry. She even said she felt like going into my mum's work and starting up a big fuss. SORRY BUT THAT IS MY MUM'S WORK.. NOT MINE! GOT A PROBLEM SAY IT TO ME, I AM THE ADULT!

                                                                Isn't this so cute?

   What happens next? I have to put on a fake smile everytime I enter my work. I always put on a fake smile to the customers, but I would have actually liked to be able to be truthful to my work friends. Also, my mum has suggested putting a counter alligation form into my manager because I was so upset by what she said. She said there were witnesses. I have asked these said witnesses and they do not recall me saying anything like that. I was joined to Amy's hip all day, pretty sure she would have heard something... So, yeah.. not a great start =P

Point Two,
    Even though me and my mum have our up's and down's I still love her unconditionally! So I say this once and once only, if anyone disrespects her I will most likely be pissed. Want to know who disrespected her?  My ex. RIGHT! I spoke to his flipping mum, when she came into my work. I spoke to her in a nice manner - like nothing had happened. Yes I felt awkward, but the first thing you realise when being an adult is that you have to ignore awkward situations and make the most out of it! You cannot act immature and make every awkward moment even more awkward for the rest of your life - it just is not healthy. So... long story short, I wanted my stuff back that I had left with this ex. I emailed him a few weeks ago telling him to drop them off at Clarks because that is where I work. What does this shitface do? Drop them off at my mum's work. Come on !!!! Why does everyone have to involve my mum in everything. Since some people who read this do not have jobs, and do not understand how much shit she could have been in if her mananger was in, I will explain. If there was a large queue inside Costa, her manager was in, and this ex just walks up to the counter - ignoring everyone else, and dumps my shit on the counter, this can distrupt their work routine. It could also annoy a few customers!  What if she was not in?  What are her employees meant to do?  What annoys me most is that he ignored her.. GROW UP!

                                   Searched "hurt ex boyfriends" on google, this is what came up.. TRUTH!

   What happens next?  Well.. I am quite a spiteful bitch, so revenge could be on the cards. But I do not know yet. One thing is for sure, I have lost a few friends over this. Apparently I cannot see anything other than my own self... Twats ¬_¬   Last time I checked, I allowed my house to get trashed to throw this ex friend a birthday party!   So yeah.. what that a selfish act or what? 

Which brings me to point three,
    I have lost a friend. A few people have told me I am better off, but am I really? What they failed to realise is that I am a bitch, but not to hurt people - no. I do it to people I truly dislike who annoy me and deserve it. If I was a bitch to anyone else they would never have cared. However since it is someone they care about they decide to get involved in something that does not concern them. That is what I really hate - people getting involved when it is not needed. If he has a problem with the actions I might commit then he should tell me. I know he doesn't want to talk to me because he is licking his wounds, but life is about getting hurt and taking chances. He got hurt, yes, but what he fails to understand is that he could have been more hurt if I stayed with him. Moving on is a hard thing, but just swollow your immaturity and do it!  Oh well... if she wants to fall out with me because of who I truly am, then that is fine. There are people out there who know the true me and still love me.

   What is next? Ignore all the people that I thought where my friends. There are better people out there for me. I have met amazing people recently who I consider my friends because they care about me. They ask me how I am, how things have gone, and they act mature. I learn from them and I am learning to grow up thanks to them. That is what I need, more mature people around me. Not immature people who make a big deal out of every little thing. I need people who are hard working and can set an example for me. I need people who are able to give me great advice because they may have been through what I have. I need a true friend. Not a five minute fling.

My week hasn't been all bad. But as they say, "bad luck comes in three". Well that is my three, let the luck begin, please?   Positive thinking.. positive!

Bye =) x

Saturday 2 July 2011

A Traditional "Relationship" Post :D


He is handsome, smart, funny, dark, tall, hard working, older than me.
He likes to run, cook, watch movies, talk until the early hours of the morning, travel.

If there is a God out there, I thank you! That sounds desperate =/ - which I'm not...

Sooo.. from the "bottom feeder fish" to a normal fish I am :P  Btw.. my friend described me as a bottom eater fish since I never went for anyone decent apparently haha! But I am happy :D  
I always say I am happy whenever I begin dating someone, but I truly am this time. It is strange though, why would someone like him be interested in me?  Still confuses me this, but hey maybe I'm not as bad as I make out to be :D

I think this is a record for even Alannah Shipton, could be three relationships this year I have had!  Ace!  Hopefully this one is a keeper. He hasn't seen my crazy bipolar side yet =/... Ex's will back me up here and say it is most scary. BUT!  I feel different with him. I don't feel the need to totally spaz out in anger whenever I see him. Whenever I talk to him, I totally feel relaxed :D 

I need happiness right now. I pretend to be happy still, but maybe sometimes you have to stop pretending for a little while because when everything builds up all hell breaks lose. Sadly my gran isn't getting any better, and anytime she wants to see me I am at work. HELLO CLARKS YOU ARE IMPORTANT TO ME BUT SADLY MY GRAN DOESN'T HAVE LONG LEFT!  I really want to see her =(  
I have no idea what my future holds because in all honesty I have fucked everything up royally. I am soo crap at prioritising things. I should have put college work before my workout classes. Instead my own self image came before everything else. Now I am dealing with the consequences.

But optimisim prevails!  I will think happy thoughts, I will continue what life has set out for me to do. I will be happy and continue dating this mystery guy that no one will know the name off :P  Unless I have already told you because of my over excitement on how cool he is? :P  Probably. I am weird that way.

Anyway... Here goes for another blog post.
Wait until the next one, it'll be even more shit :P

BYE! <3 x