Sunday 12 June 2011

Ending Of College...

How time flies when you are having 'fun'...

Finally started having fun at the end of it, because I learned how to talk and not be an utter bitch. Basically found out - they are nice people =O   How am I going to get through life with such a shitty attitude towards new people ?
  I should have handed in a Sociology essay in March, but I still haven't gotten round to doing it. You know why?  No you don't, that is why I shall tell you :)  It is because I am scared shitless to do it. If it was a classed based essay I would have no choice but to do it, but because it was a home based one; i kept postponing it.. now it is getting a bit late. I begin to do it and then get scared so easily get distracted by... erm.. combat?  Right you knew combat would end up in here somewhere !!
  So, just waiting on results from philosophy (the dreaded philosophy - how I am glad you are over with!), and psychology (please let me know my own thoughts before I start thinking of other peoples). Wait actually I got psychology back.. just need to fix one bit. He hates me =P  Right... Got tons to do for my Personal Development Plan.. but in all honesty I have already done it =/ But don't know whether it is good enough. BUT I shall get to that...


RESIT!  Of my graded Unit. Do you know how scared I am?  So scared I have been crying for a few days.   Well there is more pressure than just that. But that is my biggest one. I am scared (again.. what a scaredy cat I am!) because I don't want to stay here any longer =(  I want to go to Aberdeen. It will be amazing! =D

Ok.. want some good news? This isn't college related... college news usually isn't good news. So take a wild guess what this news may be about! No.. I am not pregnant.. no I have not found somebody I can connect with on a greater level than my last (well this is a lie... I have =L But just friends for the moment).. and no.. I am not erm =/ I have not won the lottery. Gosh I wish I did =(
   You know I am obsessed with BodyCombat?  Well I am teaching to a few friends on the 20th of June. How Epic is that?  Keep changing a few tracks round on the playlist I have. A few remain mostly because I LOVE them so they will never leave. But I want more fun ones in half way through because near the end they will hate me because my favourite one is a horrible one =P  Want a sneak peak ;)?
The girl right next to the camera is shit!  Hello.. bend your knee when you kick, then release.. ¬.¬

So yeah.. cool eh? Well here is what I thought I would do..

Track 1 -  "Upper body warm up" Summer of 69/ "Lower body warm up" I Never Liked You.
Track 2 - Boys Like Girls - Love Drunk
Track 3 - Cascada - Because The Night
Track 4 - Johnny B.Goode
Track 5 - Ballroom Blitz
Track 6 -  Scotty - The Black Pearl (basically Pirates of the Carribean song ^-^)
Track 7 - The videa above.
Track 8 - Cascada - What Hurts The Most
Track 9 (Abs) - Sean Kingston - 911
Track 10 (Cool Down) - Haven't decided yet... will see closer to the time :3

Righteo.. That is it.

Live for the moment! <3

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