Tuesday 17 May 2011

What is it..?

What is love?

I love my family.. I love my friends.   But obviously these type of loves should be different than what you should have for your partner.
Quote: "Love is ecstasy and torment, freedom and slavery." - http://www.time.com/

On the other hand, I saw it as something completely different (or should I say.. I see it as). I see love as the one thing I cannot live without. Love isn't torment - instead it is pleasurable. I wasn't a slave, nor did I have the freedom to do what I wanted when I wanted because that would be called cheating. I worshipped the ground he walked on, I adored everything that annoyed me most about him.. But eventually those annoyance became unbearable.

It is horrible to change someone. You should never try it. You should always accept a person for who they are because that is who they always will be.
No one is perfect, no matter how hard you try.
But,.. gosh... *sighs* you have to go through life making sacrifices. YES I am an utter bitch and I am actually going to look after myself here for a change. But why the hell should I sarcrifice my happiness and continue lieing to someone that I DO LOVE!

Honesty Corner....
1. Woo.. I am going to University, probably to one that is two and a half hours away on the train. I will miss my family very much. Look at this... If I want to see my family during the weekends it will be hard to see a boyfriend. -Family comes first-

2. Again.. I am going to University. What If I meet a whole new group of friends that I spend most weekends partying with and I WILL always be restricted by how much fun I have incase I do fuck up like I did New Year.  -Freedom of Choice-

3. On a lighter note... If I truly believe we are soul mates (Which I do.. a bit =/)  Then the Universe will have a way of putting us together. People who are destined to be together do end up together. Heck it took my mum 36 Years to find her soul mate.

4. I love the idea of commitment I do. But I just don't think I am in the right frame of mind for it at the moment. I am still in the process of discovering who I am and what I want out of life (Well... I do know what I want out of life.) You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else. That is what I need to do...

I am Sorry for lieing to you Saturday and seeming everything was ok.
I am Sorry for doing this to you. But writing is the only way I can express my feelings. I am terrible with words.
I am Sorry that I do love you -I am in love with you- but unable to commit to anyone until I have finished with my education. Because us together would be a distraction and I want to succeed in life.

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