Friday 6 May 2011


I LOVE EXAMS!!! =] I was contemplating doing a blog about my attitudes towards religion, but I think I will save that for another time =)

I honestly do not understand why but exams do not stress me as much as everyday life does. I know there is no going back afterwards. BUT what really makes me happy is that there is. Week beginning the 13th of June we all have resits if we do not get the grade we want [cool right?].

But no ... in all seriousness I think of it in this way -
"What is done, is done"
I do not stress because I know I have worked hard over the year [some may dispute this. You do not see what goes on behind close doors!]. Yes, I do have an obsession with working out which may take time out from my studying. BUT surprisingly, teachers always say do not cram revision in two weeks before your exams, but I do that BECAUSE it works best for me.

Right.. I do not understand why they tell us this?
Do we not know from our own experiences what works best for us?


Are we just lazy gits who fail to take into account the significance of these exams?

BOTH!!!! =L

This goes out for all you stressers out there...
CALM!   Go to Yoga if you honestly have to.. OH! I know - how about you write some study notes then once you have attempted to memorise them; rip them up. That could relieve a few stresses.

Get a picture of someone you hate [I have a feeling many of these pictures will be of me] and rip that up - or burn it.. Fire is good. Just do not play with it.

At night - get a rubber duck for your bath [I would call mine Penelope]. Name it. Get bubbles. AND RELAX!

If you know yourself you will be fine. You have had all these years to realise what works best for you. Take a moment to think what it is.
For me, I will have to have notes, music, and go for a walk... I just hope that the vehicles brakes work =(

Anyway all my shitty joking aside...

You do not need it, as I have faith in all thee who come to read me ^-^ 

Goodnight <3

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