Friday 1 April 2011

Beginning Of A New Month


I never really understood April Fools Day - or may I say I still do not understand it. We prank someone for this special day, which we could have done all the way throughout the year... So if we did do this it would be, May Fools, February Fools, December Fools... *chuckles* imagine if you decided to do it on Christmas day... "Guess what kids Santa has been. DECEMBER FOOLS! There is no Santa !  :P"  Love it, honestly do =P


I just felt the need to blog, so what I really think I should do is maybe let people know about me?  Maybe write about 20 facts or 50 (depends how entranced I get) on facts about me. Maybe let people get to know the real me?  Not the one that hardly smiles =L  Because I do smile, it's just I do not like my braces so I tend not to grim aimlessly like a twat. But I will by the end of the year when these metal death traps get removed.

1.  I was born in Edinburgh, The Simpsons Hospital on the 6th of March 1992 at 9:17pm (I think it was a Thursday...).

2.  My favourite colour is Lime Green, or Yellow, or Pastel Pink... THEY ARE B.E.A.UTIFULLLL =3

3.  I never did P.E (Well never is exagerated, I did but hardly ever) at school because I got scared and felt nervous in front of everyone else. It actually all started once when I was in Tunbridge Wells High and this bitch called Charlotte, I think, said I had a saggy bum... I WAS 13!! >.<

4.  The foods I love and cannot get enough of : Pasta, Noodles, Chilli, and WINE GUMS!

5.  I have a tendancy to think and act irrationally, which normally gets me into a lot of doggy do do =(

6.  I LOVE working. Not working out which I always talk about, but working. I love the fact I am working hard for my money compared to other people.

7.  Up until a few months back I wanted to be a Museum Curator, until I found out you have to be highly intelligent and it is a much sought out career in society.

8.  I have very little confidence within my own ability or as a person. I know if I work harder I can achieve anything I want to.

9.  Yes I agree with plastic surgery. If it makes a person feel better then I believe they should get it. I would get : Boob job, lipo suction in stomach legs and EVERYWHERE!, tummy tuck, nose job, something done to my mouth.. and erm that is it?

10. I am the baby of the family. I have one brother, and one dead sister.

11. My ambition in life, to become a teacher of something and then eventually raising enough money to travel the world and aid third world countries.

12.  The place I would not mind living inside Britain would be London. There would probably be a lot of teaching jobs there due to their high population, and good Body Combat teaching facilities.

13.  I am 5ft 10 and I am apparently 1 pound over weight =P  B.M.I does not take into account your muscle mass, and I do have a fair bit of muscle.

14. This is recent news to me - but I am actually naturally dirty blonde =P  I only found this out after letting my hair cope without me dying it for a few months.

15.  My favourite season is spring because my favourite animal is more noticeable

16. My favourite animal in the whole world is a SHEEP! I love them big fluffy clouds with legs :3

17. I do not intend to make people upset, or to hurt their feelings. If I do, I do not mean it. I always want to make people happy and for them to love themselves =(

18. I am obsessed with Beetles. Not the horrid animal but the car. Andrew noticed that I have a talent of sensing them out. Without me looking for them, they appear and I'm like, "Beeeetleeeeeeeeee"

19. I still act a bit childish at times. Mostly because I have always been treated as the baby of the family. ALSO to think more psychological about it, it may be due to the fact I am trying to close myself away from harm or emotional hurt =)

20. I dream... I dream a lot. Mostly of love because I am a hopeless romantic. Thankfully I have found my hopeless romantic soul mate =$

21. I know a lot of fitness and health facts, however, as you can possibly tell I am not the most skinniest or healthiest person in the world. I do workout for roughly 10 hours a week, but I still do not lose weight quickly enough.

22. I am a all giving person. Once you have my attention, and friendship, you will get my loyalty and my love forever =)

23. I talk to myself A LOT. Then strangers stare at me. I do not mean to, I just find it hard to stop talking because I need to talk to someone. I get paranoid if I am being quiet =P

24. I am slightly a geek, but not to the same extent as my boyfriend. I watch Sci - Fi movies and wouldn't mind playing geeky games if they were a multi players.

25. I have played COD a few times. Not bad but I do not see the big fascination of it.

26. FINALLY as I cannot be bothered with anymore. I am bisexual - but Andrew thinks I am straight now because I am with him ;-)  Sorry bubs, but it does not work that way. I have had a crush on many girls, and had one girlfriend. My heart will always go to my ickle baby "Andrea" =P (Andrew).

Well I hope this was as interesting for you as it was for me (not very). Sorry if it wasted a lot of your time. The meaning behind it is for people who do not fully know me, to have the chance to know me. It means you can continue on with your lives. THIS IS NOT A DIG AT ANYONE! I just feel we should all have the chance to know each other. This is my way of doing so. If you want me to get to know you, tell me and I will. I do not want to pre judge anyone, it is not my thing. I always go on past experiences and that fogs my judgement sometimes. I do not believe people can change, that is why I was critical of one person before. I am sorry for this. I think if this person reads this they should know who they are... or at least the other 13 people will tell her about this blog.
It is a public apology. I am sorry Rebecca Clark. I should not have been so judgemental of you. I know you will not forgive me, but that is fine. You do not need to accept my apology, but I just feel it is best to apologise on the place where I first put my harsh criticisms of you. -Sorry again-

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