Friday 11 March 2011

Ignorance Is My Worst Enemy...


I see these as the most fundamental emotions for a society to function (notice love is missed out?  deal with it!)

I have never managed to conform to societies ideas of the ideal norm or ideal "beauty". When I lived in England I managed to change myself into a "goth" (characterized by black clothes and heavy make-up, often creating a ghostly appearance). This caused a few problems for me, as well as being Scottish which many of the English students did not appreciate... (racist gits ¬.¬). Therefore ever since the age of 12 I have been treated like an outcast because I join such an odd and "scary" sub-culture of society.

   Then came the years were I moved back to Scotland .. (oh great...). I continued on with my goth stage, but as I developed my own ideas and grew as a person, I began to change into something a little less emotionally stable - "emo"- (a type of music combining traditional hard rock with personal and emotional lyrics). Some ignorant people would say "emos" are attention seeking. Do not get me wrong many are, but I did have my own emotional problems going on at the time, which made me convert to something like this sub-culture group.

   Now there is me, hard to describe, happy with life, sometimes hard-working, HIGHLY opinionated, and an extreme worrier (honestly if there was an award for worrying I would win =D  or at least get a silver medal... anyone have one?). But apparently this "me" is not socially acceptable either. I find it hard to understand what is socially acceptable. Our society was sapposed to be all for freedom of speak and variety in terms of people's appearances. ALSO I thought maybe, just maybe, going onto higher education and turning 19 would make people more acceptable and more aware of other people's existance, but apparently not.

   What do I think people my age see as the social norm?  Be Stuck Up. Be Fake. Be Pompuss. Be Self Obsorb. Be Skinny. Be "Beautiful". Be A Waster Every Weekend. HAVE NO FUTURE APART FROM IN TERMS OF BEING A SLAG!
   I really wish someone would write a book on what is the social norm, and the correct ssub-culture to conform to, because I seem to always get it wrong.

What am I getting wrong?  I have every one of those emotions for a society to function with at the top of the page. People who do have these feelings are my best friends. You can never meet anyone more nice than with others who have the same warmth for people as you do. Someone who shows compassion for your feelings. Someone who shows affection when you need it. Finally just someone so kind, you can run to whenever you need a good cry. THANKFULLY I have some of these people in my life... Sadly they are all mostly adults, which shows hope for the future. Maybe these social norms which I am witnessing so frequently are just these teenage angst stages (WTF?!?  they are 19 now.. GROW UP!). OR maybe they did not get the same teachings as I got, and the same upbringing as me. I had a hard time growing up, but I would not change it for the world. The experiences we go through make us who we are today.


This sounded more interesting and indepth when I was thinking about it in the shower =P

Oh well.. Peace out
x <3 

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