Tuesday 1 February 2011


What have I got to look forward to this February?  Well...
  1. Mine and Andrew's one month Anniversary on the 6th
  2. My first Valentines Day with someone <3
  3. 32 Days until my Birthday (it's in March but it's something I'm looking forward to..)

Back to what this blog is actually about. Hold on two seconds going to grab the 100 magazines my mum has bought. I shall outline their diet tips .. Then I shall contemplate which one I can attempt to do. But since I can't be bothered, and you can't be bothered reading, I'll just do three. (On my research I came across I good website, " http://www.modeldietplan.com/dietplans.htm ")

This dieting section is exploring "What I Ate Today" by Kendra Wilkinson-Baskett (an ex playboy bunny, plus Hank Baskett's wife):
Breakfast :      A bowl of cheerios and a glass of orange juice."
Snack:             Baby Food.   HOWEVER  The magazine's expert suggests having non- fat plain yoghurt with some wheat germ.

Lunch:             Baby Spinach with tomatoes, a tenny bit of cheese and low fat Italian dressing.  THEN she makes a smoothie.
Dinner:            Lean Cuisine - Lasagna, sesame chicken and pizza.

Alannah's Opinion: Actually sounds quite nice. However !  Instead of relying on pre made meals, aren't you just better off making your own meals like it. But making smaller protions, lighter options and more vegetables?  Well I could do this one...

There are alot of choices in this one. So I shall just comment upon which one sounds more appealing (in my own general opinion).
Breakfast:      2 slices of wholemeal bread, toasted and topped with peanut butter. 1 small natural yoghurt.
Snack:            Right... couldn't choose !  Too many nice fruits :P So basically 1 banana, or a handful of red grapes, or 1 small bowl of berries, 1 handful of cherries, 2 plums, 1 peach, or 1 orange. =3
Lunch:           Spanish Omelette: 1/2 pepper, 1/2 red onion and unlimited spinach. Whisk 2 eggs (Y)
Dinner:          Tin of Vegetable soup.

Alannah's opinion: Right. This sounds completely do-able. The dinner might sound odd. However I have heard you should always eat before 7pm if it's a heavy meal. I don't get home from the gym until 9-10pm. A light soup won't be too damaging. This so far is most appealing.

I lost interest in the magazines.. So I decided to browse the internet. Shops such as Tesco, and Sainsburys had diet plans. But in all honesty.. it's shit. They were too creamy and only really wanted to get you guys to buy their products.
Breakfast:     Coffee, plain bagel with peanut butter.
AM Snack:    Apple
Lunch:           Chicken breast salad, with diet coke (seriously?)
PM Snack:    Apple
Dinner:          Plain pasta with Chicken breast, and a side of salad.

Alannah's Opinion: WTF?! Seriously, diet coke?  This is obviously an American site. This is a no can do in all honesty. It fails to involve other fruits and it only relyings upon the intake of protein in Chicken. It doesn't involve fish which is could for Omega 3.

Diet two sounds like the most sensible. Diet three is completely stupid I actually just feel like ranting over it. But I won't because I need to get ready for the gym. However, what I had noticed about all these diet plans is that they failed to mention water. Water is an essential! You need at least 2 litres aday to flush out all the waste in your system, and also boost up your metabolism. So what I'll do is start diet plan number two, starting from tomorrow morning ! I need to look good in a bikini :(  *looks at time*  Rant?  AHHH so want to :P  But I will say one thing. The most amazing thing about protein is that the more you eat, the more your body will think the fuller you are, meaning you won't want to eat as much.

Diet Tips:

  1. WATER - 2 litres at least
  2. Plenty of Protein
  3. You may think "low fat" things won't work, but they actually do make a significance overall in your daily calorie intake.
  4. Don't count calories, count fat intake. You can only have 65g of fat all together in one day.
  5. Work out for at least 30 minutes a day. Walking does something, but not much. Jogging is the worst in all honesty. Swimming is the best.
  6. Take plenty of fruit and veg. It is good, because fibre makes you poo, and poo is the bad stuff in your body.
  7. If you start a detox, don't exercise for 2 days, and just live on fresh fruit and vegetables and alot of water. NOTHING ELSE!

That is all for Alannah :)  I have said everything I have needed to say.
